preston guild boys & kids photo shoot with rt productions .family 21st.

I feel like ive had a week of playing .
My 2 little monkeys (daughters) are still on summer hols. so weve been out and about .
My little sister turned 21 on tues!!! we celebrated at the fab italian on garstang road. checco’s.
My brother & his family came over from the states to be with us on such a special week…….this has been really emotinal . little things have touched me , like cutting {my nephews) hair for the first time ….
my girls being take to rascals on sat by them(brother) . activitys that they/i  dont get to do , with them living away …..
last night though was  so so wonderful . I love it when family get together to celebrate.
My mother who is a ledgend for home parties , acommadated a house full and some …….
To celebrate my sisters 21st .
This was brilliant ……………………………..

On wednesday our salon was filled will some of  the styling/ beauty team.
photographer ( ron from rt productions ).
and our wonderful models.

We practiced our 20,40,60,70s vintage looks on our ladies.
We created our kids looks & mens looks for the banners for the guild salon .
This is so men can be inspired & choose a vintage look, to be created on them.

Our princess vintage theme continues on to children .
Kids love to dress up, and in the picks on face book roberts steel can see how much fun they had doing the shoot.

I so cant wait now for next weekend to arrive ,
Jenny called in the salon (uclan events team ) and told me that our tent had gone up on the park.
And our set was built/….eek i have mirrors with lights round ! easily pleased . lol!


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